Picky Eater or Needs Intervention?

Is your little one a “picky eater?” Every child has moments of refusing a particular food. It’s part of typical development and can fluctuate based on a child’s sleep, activity, growth, exposure…and mood! However, some children have eating concerns that are more involved than mere pickiness. If your child has a short list of tolerated foods, gags with food or non-food objects in mouth, refuses to have certain foods on his/her plate, is behind with growth expectations, and struggles to eat when in public/not in preferred environment, they may need additional support. We are here to help. Our skilled and experienced team to check for cause of selective eating and food aversion, and best help your child to comfortably eat an appropriate diet…as well as help you keep your sanity as you face this anxiety inducing eating experience multiple times per day! Call for more information. 512-291-2669
